Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 5- Studying Tropical Rainforests in Malaysia

From our investigations of the role of competition in determining population and community structure in temperate deserts and prairies we learned a lot about how to more effectively study ecological systems. Many of the difficulties encountered when studying temperate systems are magnified greatly when attempting to study interactions in the tropical rainforest.

Today we will examine (1) changes in how we have conducted research in natural history and ecology over time, (2) long term ecological research, and (3)opportunities for long term ecological research in Malaysian tropical rainforests.

Powerpoint Presentation


Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson a fully engaged student should be able to

1) discuss how and why we ecologists have changed how the investigate ecological questions

2) discuss the benefits and possible problems associated with long term ecological research

3) discuss potential long term ecological research sites in Malaysia

Writing Assignment

Due next week. One page, double spaced.

Topic: discus the possible role of competition in determining patterns of population and community structure.

If you can get a copy of it to me before Saturday then I can look it over, meet with you, and help you to revise your paper.

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